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Comprehensive annual operation & maintenance (AMC) for 2 x 225 TR screw chillers and 2 x450 TR Centrifugal Chillers and 3 x 500 TR cooling Towers along with all associated equipments and installation of HVAC system at IDCO Fortune Towers Bhubaneswar (No- 3379 Date- 02/12/2024)

Comprehensive annual operation & maintenance (AMC) for 2 x 225 TR screw chillers and 2 x450 TR Centrifugal Chillers and 3 x 500 TR cooling Towers along with all associated equipments and installation of HVAC system at IDCO Fortune Towers Bhubaneswar (No- 3379 Date- 02/12/2024)

Published On - Dec 4, 2024