Constitution of Institutional Framework in line with PM Gati Shakti guidelines at the State and District Level |
08/06/2022 |
The land rate at which land will be allotted by IDCO in the land bank cluster for establismnet of industries is hereby notified( No. 31479 Date- 08/11/2024) |
08/11/2024 |
"In pursuance to the Clause-39 of the Odisha Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation (Amendment) Act 2020, the Authority do hereby notify that the Customers availing supply of water from IDCO, shall be notified/intimated in advance as prescribed in conditions below prior to the outage in supply (No- 19701 Date- 05/07/2024)" |
05/07/2024 |
The land· cost in respect of identified land measuring Ac.21.130 for I.E., Kilasama p·ertaining to Mouza: Kilasama under Sadar-Sambalpur tahasil in Sambalpur district has been fixed at Rs.66,46,730.00 (Rupees Sixty six lakh forty six thousand seven hundred thirty) only per acre. (No- 19057 Date- 01/07/2024) |
01/07/2024 |
Fixation of Land Cost of I.E., Kilasama, Sambalpur |
01/07/2024 |
"The land cost in respect of identified land measuring Ac.53.04 for the MSME Park at I.E., Rairangpur pertaining to Mouza: Gopalabandha & Nagabana under Rairangpur tahasil in Mayurbhanj district has been fixed at Rs.32,39,500.00 (Rupees Thirty two lakh thirty nine thousand five hundred) only per acre. (No- 15534 Date- 20/05/2024)" |
20/05/2024 |
"Consequent upon sanction of lease of Government land measuring Ac.134.150 in Mouza-Riun under Panposh tahasil in Sundergarh district, the land cost in respect of land measuring Ac.55.060 identified for MSME Park at Riun in Sundergarh district has been fixed at Rs.56,40,000.00 (Rupees Fifty six lakh forty thousand) only per acre. (No- 13278 Date- 30/04/2024)" |
30/04/2024 |
"Consequent upon sanction of lease of Government land measuring Ac.17 .641 (i.e. Ac.13.422 in Mouza-Khairabeti under Seragada tahasil and Ac.4.219 in Viii: Balarampur under Hinjilicut tahasil) in Ganjam district, the land cost in respect of Industrial Estate, Hinjilicut in Ganjam district has been fixed at Rs.27,50,000.00 (Rupees Twenty seven lakh fifty thousand) only per acre. (No- 8948 Date- 14/03/2024)" |
14/03/2024 |
"Consequent upon sanction of lease of Government land measuring Ac.46.800 in Mouza-Gandhigram under Harbhanga tahasil in Boudh dist rict , the land cost in respect of MSME Park at Gandhigram in Boudh district has been fixed at Rs.18,00,000.00 (Rupees Eighteen lakh) only per acre. (No- 8945 Date- 14/03/2024)" |
14/03/2024 |
"Consequent upon sanction of lease of Government land measuring Ac.44.910 in Mouza-Tareikela under Sonepur tahasil in Subarnapur district, the land cost in respect of MSME Park at Tareikela in Subarnapur district has been fixed at Rs.19,00,000.00 (Rupees Nlneteen lakh ) only per acre. This order comes into force with immediate effect. (No- 8942 Date- 14/03/2024)" |
14/03/2024 |
Circular : In pursuance to the decision of Board of Directors of IDCO taken in their 125th meeting held on 11 .08.2023, the land cost in respect of Industrial Estate, Tentulia in Jagatsinghpur district has been fixed at Rs.19,09,600.00 (Rupees Nineteen lakh nine thousand six hundred) only per acre. This Circular comes into force retrospectively from 15.07.2021. (No- 1728 Date- 18/01/2023) |
18/01/2024 |
In pursuance to the decision of Board of Directors of IDCO taken in their 125th meeting held on 11.08.2023, the land cost in respect of Industrial Estate, Tentulia in Jagatsinghpur district has been fixed at Rs. 19,09,600.00 (Rupees Nineteen lakh nine thousand six hundred) only per acre. |
18/01/2024 |
On review of the replies to successive show cause notices issued to the agency and pursuant to the CGM's Committee held on 21.12.2023 and kind orders of t he Managing Direct or, the agency M/s Frankson Elevators Pvt. Ltd. is hereby debarred from IDCO tenders for 2 years by t he authority due to t heir unsatisfactory performance in the work, "SITC of 6 nos of 16 Passengers & 2 nos of goods (1088 kg) elevator with microprocessor control led VVVF drive for a speed of 1.5m/s including the cost of co |
08/01/2024 |
"In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 59 of the Odisha Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation Act, 1980, the Board of Directors is pleased to make following Amendment to the Odisha Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation (Method of Recruitment and Conditions of Service) Regulations, 2019 the designation of the following categories of posts in Finance Branch & Electrical Branch, as in Appendix-I are revised (No- 36224 Date- 14/11/2023)" |
14/11/2023 |
"In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 59 of the Odisha Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation Act, 1980, the Board of Directors is pleased to make following amendment to the Odisha Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation (Method of Recruitment and Conditions of Service) Regulations, 2019 (No- 36162 Date- 14/11/2023)" |
14/11/2023 |
Consequent upon sanction of non-forest Government land measuring Ac. 71. 960 in Mouza-Tarbod under Komna tahasil in Nuapada district, the land cost in respect of MSME Park and Industrial Estate, Komna in Nuapada district has been fixed at Rs.16,19,000.00 (Rupees Sixteen lakh nineteen thousand) only per acre. (No- 33242 Date- 18/10/2023) |
"In partial modification of this office Notification No.27723 dated.31.08.2023, the land rate of the Land Bank cluster notified was exclusive of 10% IDCO administrative charges and Annaual rent @1.75% on land cost. Hence while allotting the land, demand should be raised adding the 10% IDCO administrative charges and 1.75% Annual rent over and above the land cost. (No- 33245 Date- 18/10/2023)" |
18/10/2023 |
In partial modification of Circular no.20193 dtd 20.11.2019, the land cost in respect of Indust rial Estate, Bamani in Nabarangpur district has been revised from Rs.3,00,000.00 (Rupees Three lakh)only to Rs.9,76,800.00 (Rupees Nine lakh seventy six thousand eight hundred) only per acre. (No- 33250 Date- 18/10/2023) |
18/10/2023 |
In pursuance of the decision of the Board of Directors of IDCO in their 125th meeting held on 11.08.2023 the land rate i.e. the rate at which land will be allotted by IDCO in the following Land Bank cluster forestablishment of industries, is hereby notified (No- 27723 Date- 31/08/2023) |
31/08/2023 |
All the project proponent who have taken land from IDCO / who have been allotted land and now wants to take NOC for creation of mortgage over the allotted land for borrowing loan from different Banks / Financing Institutions are hereby informed that, as per the decisio·n of the authority, the submission of application for issue of NOC for creation of mortgage through hard copy are hereby stopped. Henceforth all such proposals should be apply through GoiP (O/O No- 26744 Date- 23/08/2023) |
23/08/2023 |
In pursuance to the Order no.24772 dtd 11.07.2023 & Notification No.24778 dtd 11.07.2023 of Revenue & Disaster Management Department, Government of Odisha and communicated vide letter no.6824 dtd 31.07.2023 of Industries Department, Government of Odisha, the management has been pleased to communicate that the Stamp Duty and Registration fee are remissioned in 'Full' in case of Deed executed for surrender/rectification of lease between party already allotted land by I DCO and IDCO, and fresh leas |
21/08/2023 |
The eligibiliiy criteria for work experience required for qualification in all live/ upcoming tenders shall be taken as per this office order (No- 21053 Date- 07/07/2023) |
07/07/2023 |
Corrigendum to Circular No- 17914 Dtd- 06/06/2023 (No- 18676 Date- 13/06/2023) |
13/06/2023 |
In partial modification of Circular no.20193 dtd 20.11.2019, the management has been pleased to refix the land cost in respect of Indl. Estate, Matkambeda under Barbil tahasil in Keonjhar district @ Rs.22,81,622.00 (Rupees Twenty two lakh eighty one thousand six hundred twenty two) only per acre (No- 17914 Date- 06/06/2023) |
06/06/2023 |
In pursuance to the decision of the Board of Directors of IDCO in its 124th meeting held on 29.03.2023, the land cost in respect of newly declared Industrial Estate, Bamabarada (Saw Mill Cluster) under Satyabadi tahasil in the district of Puri has been fixed at Rs.30,50,000.00 (Rupees Thirty lakh filty thousand only) per acre. (No- 12618 Date- 25/04/2023) |
25/04/2023 |
In pursuance of the decision of the Board of Directors of IDCO in their 124th meeting held on 29.03.2023 the land rate i.e. the rate at which land will be allotted by IDCO in the following Land Bank cluster for establishment of industries, is hereby notified (No- 12358 Date- 24/04/2023) |
24/04/2023 |
The rate at which land will be allotted in Paradeep Plastic Park Limited at Plastic Park, Paradeep for establishment of industries is hereby revised. (No- 14 Date- 01/02/2023) |
01/02/2023 |
The industrial units otherwise eligible can avail incentives as per the provision in IPR 2015 and/ or respective sectoral policy in accordance with the respective operatioal guidelines . (No- 30890 Date- 28/11/2022) |
28/11/2022 |
Annual Infrastructure Maintenance Charges (IMC) payable by the MSME Units for the year 2021-22 (No- 28883 Date- 09/11/2022) |
09/11/2022 |
Amendment to Odisha Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation (Method of Recruitment and Conditions of Service) Regulations, 2019 |
17/09/2022 |
Lease Rent of the space in IT Incubation Center |
Revision in Delegation of Power on expenditure to be made for "Road-side Eviction Programme" |
Reservation of 5% Plots/ Sheds in Industrial Estates/ Areas for Women Enterpreneurs : 1629 |
Promotion of Women/ SC/ ST/ Physically handicapped Entrepreneurs in Odisha : 1622 |
Office Order to check the spread of Novel Corona Virus(COVID-19) |
Notification for rates to lease and letting out the vacant spaces at Tower-2010, Mancheswar Industrial Estate, Bhubaneswar. |
Notification for land cost of PPPL. |
Land rate alloted in PPPL at Paradeep for establishment of industries. |
Corrigendum to Notification No- 22058 Date- 31.10.2018, the land rate has been revised from Rs. 12.00 lakh to Rs. 20.00 lakh per Acre at Kalinga Nagar , Jajpur (No- 25695 Date- 21/12/2018) |
Office Order for COVID-19 |
Office Order No- 12223 Dated- 29/07/2021 for recruitment to the post of Deputy Manager (Civil) and Deputy Manager (Electrical) in IDCO |
Decision on Allotment of Land in different Parks of IDCO in BMPR area in Khordha District |
Process of Application for Land |
Circular on Daily Minimum Wages |
Notified Land Regulation |
Notification No-07 DATED- 10/01/2017 The Industrial Land Rate i.e. at which land will be alloted in PPPL at Paradeep for establishment of Industries. |
Notification for Industrial Land Rate |
Circular for Non-Refundable Processing Fees for Post Allotment Matters |
Notification for Land Allotment Rate in Infovally |
Revisions made in the Working Range for all existing Categories of the Vendors in IDCO |
Land Regulation |
Timeline |
Delegation of Power |
Resolution for Reimbursement of Medical Claim 12.05.2014 |
Revisions Made in Working Ranges for the Existing Categories of Vendors in IDCO |
Fee Structure for land use without approval, non implementation of projects etc. |
Consolideted Fee/Rate for Disposal of post allotment proposals in Industrial Estates/Areas |
Execution of Bipartite Agreement in place of Tripartite Agreement for mutual transfer of IDCO lease hold property |
The rates for allotment of land in various Industrial Estates / Industrial Areas etc. 15.03.2010 |
One time Settlement (OTS) scheme-2010 to maximize collection of outstanding dues. |
Regularisation of Encroached Land. / 23.07.2010 |
No building plans in industrial plots allotted bu IDCO in various Industrial Estates in the state./13.08.2008 |
constitute a land allotment committee for all land under the ownership of IDCO/21.01.2010 |
Clarification regarding allotment of land/dated 11.02.2009 |
Nomination of Nodal Agencies/4.06.2009 |
Notifying "Saturated" Industrial Estates/Areas./18.08.2009 |
Amendment for Simplification of procedure for mutual transfer of leasehold interest in IDCO allotted properties in Industrial Estates/Areas. |
Incentive to boost occupancy in Fortune Towers. Chandrasekharpur, Bhubaneswar (Circular No. 3116/26.2.04) |
Guidelines for allotment of land in IEs/IAs for Educational/Technical/Management/Other Professional Institutions (Circular No. No. 413 dated 09.01.2004) |
Procedure for allotment of land/ shed in industrial estates for providing utilities/ amenities/ other infrastructure services to facilitate growth of industries (Circular No. 19921/26.12.2003) |
Procedure for allotment of additional land/sheds/buildingsin saturated IEs for expansion/modernisation of the existing industries (Circular No. 19923/26.12.2003) |
Grant of permission to the entrepreneurs for sub-letting IDCO allotted premises in IEs on temporary rental lease (Circular No. 19581/19.12.2003) |
Regularization of excess land occupied by the industrial units in IEs/ IAs due to measurement/ demarcation errors (19577/19.12.2003) |
Rationalization of Infrastructure Maintenance Charges (IMC) - Circular No. 19579/19.12.2003) |
constitution of the firm in case of Industries allotted land/ shed in Industrial Estates (19590/19.12.2003) |
Allotment of properties in Industrial Estates - Realization of cost on deferred payment basis (Corrigendum No. 19675/20.12.2003) |
Allowing extended period for commercial production to allottees of land, shed etc. in industrial estates/ industrial areas of IDCO (Circular No. 19583/19.12.2003) |
Simplification of procedure for allotment land/shed in Industrial Estates & delegation of power to Division Heads for such allotment to SSI / Tiny units (Circular No. 19699/22.12.2003) |
One Time Settlement (OTS) Scheme - Circular No. 19585/19.12.2003 |
Grant of permission to the entrepreneurs for sub-dividing and sub-leasing the IDCO allotted premises in Industrial Estates (Circular No.19588/19.12.2003) |